Duxbury Garden & Hydrangea Tour


I’ve got a great, long, post today on the Community Garden Club of Duxbury Garden and Hydrangea tour from last week. The weather was beautiful and the houses and gardens everything you expect from my beautiful, historical coastal New England home town. Enjoy!

Duxbury Garden Tour – New “Old” Home

New Classic Duxbury Garden exterior

This classic Colonial style home is only 20 years old! All the charm of an antique, none of the maintenance issues. Overlooking the Bluefish River, the house has a wonderful vista in the front and idyllic privacy in the back. From the tour book: “The double chimney, hip roof colonial was built in the style of its neighboring 18th century shipbuilders houses. Of particular interest are a number of container hydrangeas. The containers were imported from Italy and have successfully housed these hydrangea, wintering them over in Main and Massachusetts for many years.”

New Classic Duxbury Garden exterior

I never know you could keep hydrangeas in a container for long!

New Classic Duxbury Garden exterior

This is the view from the front steps of the house. There are actually wires across the skyline view (you can see where I’ve removed them). The town doesn’t have underground wiring which is a shame!

New Classic Duxbury Garden exterior

A pretty little tablescape around the back of the house showcasing the private back yard. New Classic Duxbury Garden tablescape

Pretty! New Classic Duxbury Garden soup


Duxbury Garden Tour – Summer Song

Summer Song Duxbury Garden exterior

How pretty a house name is “Summer Song”! “Perched on Bay View with water views of “The Nook” [not to be confused with my Nook Cottage, different though nearby Nooks] sits an expanded Cape “Summer Song” surrounded by hydrangea gardens designed and installed in 2020 by Mal Condon, “The Hydrangea Guy” and Curator of Hydrangeas at the Heritage Museum & Gardens. The gardens have over twenty five labeled varieties of hydrangea.”

Summer Song Duxbury Garden tablescape

A sweet tablescape on the front patio with water views. Love the driftwood floral centerpiece. Summer Song Duxbury Garden driftwood centerpiece

All the varieties of hydrangea were marked with these little stones saying what variety they are. One more exuberant than the last!

 Summer Song Duxbury Garden hydranges in pots

One of the features of the tour were the local artists at each location painting en plein air. This is Jenny Kelley (who btw has the MOST beautiful business card I’ve ever seen!)Summer Song Duxbury Garden J


Duxbury Garden Tour – Dream Home

Deer Run Duxbury Garden front exterior

“Inspired by the timeless architecture of Edgartown Village, the the home features a welcoming front porch surrounded by Annabelle hydrangeas, windows adorned with flower boxes and a private backyard with a pool area surrounded by a mixed variety of limelight and bobo hydrangeas.  The open green space features a hedge of endless summer hydrangeas, a rose garden and interesting “found” treasures that bring fun and color to the yard.”

Deer Run Duxbury Garden rear window boxes

The front of the house is picture perfect, but the back is where you really want to be.

Deer Run Duxbury Garden back patio dining tablescape

Love the jaunty striped umbrellas!

Deer Run Duxbury Garden rear seating

It was a warm day, I can’t tell you how hard it was not to take a seat and on the edge of the pool and dip my toes in! It really is this blue in person.

Deer Run Duxbury Garden planter by pool


Look – a “found” treasure! Cute!

Deer Run Duxbury Garden pig

The pool house is the perfect complement to the main house.

Deer Run Duxbury Garden pool house

Inside the cool pool house – a serene respite from the colorful outdoors.

Deer Run Duxbury Garden pool house interior

Deer Run Duxbury Garden pool house dining

How cute are these vintage swimmers and the whale table runner.

Deer Run Duxbury Garden table detail

Another adorable out-building – and this is the garden shed (I think).

Deer Run Duxbury Garden shed

Vintage buoys hanging on a tree – that was quite a storm that put these here! (Hopefully not!)

Deer Run Duxbury Garden tree

That ceiling!

Deer Run Duxbury Garden porch


Deer Run Duxbury Garden front door


Duxbury Garden Tour – Frost and Found Oasis

Frost and Found Duxbury Garden shed

This cute little building welcomes the visitor to the home of the Bonnie Frost of Frost and Found a florist shop (& more) and Chad Frost of Hedges, Inc. a landscape design firm.

“Nine years ago, Chad Frost bought this cape style farmhouse which is date boarded to 1814, the corner lot was completely overgrown with dying trees. Today, the only tree remaining from the previous owners is the grand sugar maple. The work began to carefully add in the details that are Hedges Landscapes signature style starting with the manicured frame of a 6 foot privet hedge; boxwood in all shapes and sizes; the grafted lilac topiary and just about every specimen of tree you can imagine. Since 2019, more changes continued with minimal restoration to the barn which houses the antiques used for Frost and Found. Other additions include the screen house, blue stone patio, koi pond and green house. Chad and Bonnie want to honor the history of the home, all while using every nook and cranny to evolve ideas and have fun doing it together.”


 Frost and Found Duxbury Garden planter

So, as you will see, when you pair a floral designer with a landscape designer – you pretty much get the garden of eden. I’m sure there’s an apple tree somewhere!

Frost and Found Duxbury Garden shed and tree

Frost and Found Duxbury Garden chaise lounges

Love the “rough/luxe” look of the classic compotes and straw placemats.

Frost and Found Duxbury Garden tablescape

This breezeway is a spot you’d never want to leave.

Frost and Found Duxbury Garden Breezeway 1

Literally just saw the coffee cup in the photo below…

Frost and Found Duxbury Garden breezeway cabinet

So I took it out!

Breezeway sideboard edited


Frost and Found Duxbury Garden Dutch hydrangea

And the other side of the breezeway.

Frost and Found Duxbury Garden breezeway 2

An outdoor shower, of course!

Frost and Found Duxbury Garden outdoor shower

Love the naturalistic nature of the planting.

Frost and Found Duxbury Garden hydranges

Cute little door with bocce ball pail.

 Frost and Found Duxbury Garden garden gate

The glorious green house.

Frost and Found Duxbury Garden glass hot house

 Frost and Found Duxbury Garden glass greenhouse

I didn’t get a good overall pic of the antique barn only of the entrance, but from the outside it has that enticing “come in, there are treasures to be found” vibe.

Frost and Found Duxbury Garden antiques barn

Frost and Found Duxbury Garden antiques shed interior

Frost and Found Duxbury Garden antiques shed interior

They weren’t kidding about “every specimen of tree you can imagine”.

Frost and Found Duxbury Garden yard


I hope you enjoyed my photos from the Community Garden Club of Duxbury’s Hydrangea tour! Be sure to check out my first stop on the tour, the Nathaniel Winsor Jr. House which I posted about last week.

Of course, it wouldn’t be an event without a selfie station!

Linda Merrill Duxbury Garden

And a little lunch and treat afterwards. This tiny cheesecake with doggy face from French Memories in Duxbury.

French Memories doggy face cheesecake


Pin for future reference.


br>xoxo Linda


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