RENO RULES online learning guide

Got an itch to renovate?
Starting a reno but just have no idea what to tackle and how to make it all come together?
Have you always wanted to renovate and don’t know where to start?
No idea on budget? How to buy in a hot market, or what costs are involved? What about the tools you might need for DIY? Would you like some styling tips? Learn about what paint goes where?
How to stage your house to sell?
Did you answer YES to any of these questions?
Then RENO RULES is for you.
RENO RULES is an online learning guide and a community. It doesn’t matter if you’re renovating a kitchen, a bathroom or the whole house! You need someone with experience and results to assist you.
- Real Estate – Buying & Selling tips. What to look for.
- Budgets, Approvals & Trades – We even give you a spreadsheet!
- Kitchens, Bathrooms & Laundries – The three major areas of the house and how to use your money wisely.
- Tools & DIY – Cheap v Expensive. DIY v Professional.
- Walls and Painting – Tips, Tricks and things to avoid.
- Floors – Do’s & Don’ts
- Exteriors – Simple is best. What gets the most attention?
- Finishing Touches – Leaving no stone unturned with styling tips.
This is aimed at people who have basic/starter level knowledge of renovating and are prepared to do some DIY work. This is written content, not video tutorials.